Travelogues Blog

Magaluf Nightlife: Up To Standard?

When you come to Magaluf, you arrive in a location with a party reputation that spans the continent. This is why the option of taking a Magaluf booze cruise is so popular. Sunny weather, stylish people and an entire location built around partying, having fun and leaving your inhibitions back home. If you want to have a tremendous time in Magaluf, though, you need to know what – and where – to go.


The Magaluf nightlife, though, is very much not something that has been exaggerated. People love to come to this location to make use of its small army of bars, clubs pubs, cafes and restaurants. While a trip around here at day might make the place look a little serene, if you turn out during the evening – even during the week – and it turns into a whole new location.

You will find that heading out at night as part of your Magaluf booze cruise makes a lot of sense. At night, especially during the week, you will find all manner of promoters trying to get you in through the doors. With so much competition and choice, you can get offered some hilariously cheap nights out just to get you through the door!

You will be able to enjoy the whole experience a bit more if you turn up for a party, though. If you are simply wanting to go out for food, then might we recommend that you only head out during the afternoon?

At night, Magaluf can become a bit too wild for a simple bite to eat. You will find that plenty of places where you can spend the evening drinking, though, offer an easy way to get something to eat so you don’t need to go for a session on an empty stomach!

Making the most of the Magaluf nightlife

You will soon find that happy hour is one of the most important parts of heading out for a Magaluf booze cruise. You will soon find that most bars are open all day and all night, meaning that you can party until long after the wee hours back home.

One of the most popular nightclubs to visit, BCM, is an absolute must-try for anyone coming over to Magaluf. It’s a high intensity party experience, and one that should make it super-simple for you to just have fun, let loose and make the most of your night.

We also recommend that you take the time to head on over to Tokio Joes. It’s a very popular bar at the moment, but try and turn up earlier. Like most night hotspots in Magaluf, it will become rammed pretty quickly.

A Magaluf night out is one that you might struggle to remember, purely on the basis that you will be having such a good time. So, if you intend on taking on a Magaluf booze cruise, be sure to get ready for a wild night out. The night life here is 100% as good as people suggest!

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